Happy Thanksgiving Day

Another Thanksgiving Day. I give thanks that we still have the right to vote. It is getting more difficult in some parts of the country including Texas. Having the right to vote is going to be the only way we defeat the fascist and racists in our country.  You know, the folks that still don’t accept President Joe Biden’s 2020 win.

In today’s Chron, the E-Board take is a compilation of Thanksgiving Day letters to the editor. 


The featured photo is a State Sen. John Whitmire for Mayor campaign mailer that hit my mailbox on Thanksgiving Eve.  The campaign goes on through the holidays.


This will be my first Thanksgiving Day with both of my parents gone. Hey, it happens. That is part of life. My parents will be having a heavenly Thanksgiving Day dinner together.

My two sisters, Sylvia and Aida, and my niece Rachel, and their families will all gather at my sister’s house in Buda for dinner today. Buda is right outside of Austin.

Commentary will be driving to Missouri City to the home of Lisette and Mike Schnieders for Thanksgiving Day dinner. Lisette is one of my favorites and she is the daughter of Julie and Al Luna. They will have their family there. Everyone knows that Al is my best friend.

In the meantime, I will be watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this morning on the flat screen before I head out.

I hope everyone enjoys today. Stay safe, please.

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