
This is from ABC News today:

President Joe Biden said he would not pardon his son Hunter amid an ongoing felony gun trial during a wide-ranging exclusive interview with ABC News anchor David Muir at the Normandy American Cemetery on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Muir asked Biden on Thursday if he would accept the outcome of his son’s trial in Wilmington, Delaware, to which the president said, “Yes.” Biden also said “yes” when asked by Muir if he would rule out a pardon for Hunter.

Here is the entire story: Exclusive: Biden tells Muir he wouldn’t pardon Hunter, says Trump got ‘fair trial’ (msn.com).

Folks pretty much know how Commentary feels about Hunter Biden and the mess he has brought his family. I have also been kind of paying attention to Hunter’s trial in Delaware. It certainly is not a good look for Hunter.

I get the feeling that President Biden is thinking more about the country and not about putting family first, but heck, what do I know. Commentary will not get very much into a possible pardon talk. I will wait until we get a verdict on the Hunter trial. Stay tuned.


My niece, Abigail Martinez, is an American University, Class of 2024 magna cum laude graduate, with a BA in Literature. See the featured photo with her mom, my niece Linda Garza, and her sister, my niece Rebecca Martinez. I am so proud of Abby. Abby, as I recall, took a knee at her high school graduation back in 2020. I have not seen Abby in a few years. Abby was studying abroad when her great grandpa left us last year and could not make it to his funeral. Abby is being toasted at a party in her honor in Austin tomorrow evening. Then off to the Masters in Publishing program at George Washington University. I am sure her family and friends will have a wonderful time at Verdad, the venue for the gathering honoring Abby. Congrats to Abby!


The Chron Preview section has a listing today of the Pride events in the H-Town area this month. The Space Cowboys will celebrate Pride Night this Wednesday and the Astros on Tuesday, June 25.


99 games remain in the regular season for the Astros, 46 at The Yard, 53 roadies.  A 6-game West Coast roadie begins this evening in Anaheim.

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