Lina Haters

If the H-Town area political community had their own Olympics, Lina hating would certainly be a prime-time competition. Commentary is talking about all the folks in the H-Town area who love to hate on Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo.

Let me remind folks, err the haters, that she has kicked your arses at the polls, not once but twice. The latest in 2022 after MAGA donors spent a few million bucks against her.

Just in, Judge Hidalgo agreed to pay a $500 fine to the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) for endorsing a candidate for Harris County District Attorney on Harris County property. Here is from the Chron on what the Harris County GOP Chair said on this:

Harris County Republican Party chair Cindy Siegel said Wednesday that Hidalgo should face a stiffer penalty — and leave office.

“When the only notable track record an elected official can point to centers around corruption, they should resign,” Siegel said. “We’re at that point with Lina.”


Here is from the same article from Judge Hidalgo:

“The Commission asked for a $500 penalty after recognizing the situation was a  minimal issue,” Hidalgo said in a statement Wednesday. “I’m confident everything I did and said was appropriate, but rather than spending many thousands of dollars and precious time, we agreed to a minimal settlement so that I can focus my energy on the needs of Harris County.”

Endorsing a political candidate on county property really doesn’t fall into the corruption category in Commentary’s book. It is more like a mistake. Corruption is Donald Trump’s son-in-law taking a couple of billion from the Saudis. The City of H-Town Water Department shady contracts to kinfolks, now that’s corruption. Same for the stuff over in Midtown. A $500 fine is pretty much the minimum the TEC imposes. There have been lower fines, but $500 is kind of the lowest. Go check out the list of those who have been fined and you will pretty much agree with Commentary.

Still, some folks want to hate on Lina for this toe stubbing. No one wants to get fined by TEC, but to me this is no big deal.

When she first took office back in 2019, Judge Hidalgo announced that she would not accept contributions from county government vendors. Her colleagues on Harris County Commissioners Court take millions in contributions from vendors. Judge Hidalgo doesn’t get points on this from her haters.

Now some folks have posted on social media that Judge Hidalgo should not attend the funeral of the 12-year-old girl who was murdered last week. The Lina haters claim Lina will politicize the funeral because she made some remarks about the murders a few days ago. By posting on social media, the haters themselves just politicized the little girl’s funeral. Dummies.

I get the hating on Judge Hidalgo. I have mentioned it before. It has to do with her youth, her being an immigrant, her being a woman, her being a woman of color, her not fitting a certain good-old-boy political mold, and her being a Latina who has command of the Spanish language. It also has to do with her kicking arse in a couple of elections.

Get over it, folks, err haters.


The debate is finally here. Just watch it.


Yordan Alvarez is 27 today. Happy Birthday, Yordan!

.500 baseball. 40-40. I will take it on June 27, with 82 games left to play. We have today off.

The featured photo is more of recognition of our current winning ways.

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