On 2024

Today is my sister Sylvia Lafuente’s BD. Happy Birthday, Sylvia!


One of the most crooked Supreme Court justices in my adult lifetime is Justice Clarence Thomas. We all know that. We have learned in the last couple of years that he has accepted gifts worth a few million dollars. He was appointed by President George H. W. Bush in 1991.

One of the most extremist Supreme Court justices in my adult lifetime is Justice Samuel Alito, Jr. We all know that. He has flown the U.S. Flag upside down at his home. He has also flown the insurrectionist flag at his vacation home. He is also a Christian nationalist. He was appointed by George W. Bush in 2005.

Both arsehole justices are a threat to our democracy.

Tomorrow folks will commemorate and celebrate George H. W. Bush’s 100th birthday.

No thanks. I will skip it.

It will only remind me of the Bush legacy they have left us on the U.S. Supreme Court.

I won’t mention Justice Alito’s wife and what she thinks about pride flags on the other side of the lagoon.


This is from the Chron today:

“Beto! Beto! Beto!” the crowd chanted as former Democratic congressman Beto O’Rourke told a room of Democrats that they have the power to defeat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in November.

If this sounds like 2018, perhaps it was by design. 

But it was the kickoff for the 2024 Texas Democratic Party convention, hosted in O’Rourke’s hometown of El Paso. Clad in the dark jeans and dress shirt with rolled up sleeves that has become a trademark, the man who nearly unseated Cruz six years ago was like an aging rock star on a reunion tour – he played the hits.

“That extraordinary campaign that we were all a part of in 2018 — a campaign not about the candidate, not even about the political party, but about the people of Texas — it got within 215,000 votes of Cancun Cruz,” O’Rourke said. “Do you think that you can find 215,000 votes over the next five months to make sure that Colin Allred is the next United States senator from the state of Texas?”

O’Rourke shot to fame in the 2018 contest. But even with a celebrity candidate, record-breaking political contributions and a political environment where Democratic candidates surged across the country, it wasn’t enough to put a Democrat over the top statewide. 

Six years later, the party looks back on 2018 as its high-water mark. And Democrats are facing another tough election cycle this year with internal divisions over immigration and the Israel-Gaza conflict, as well as sluggish voter enthusiasm for President Joe Biden. 

Here is the entire read: Texas Democrats embrace Beto in El Paso, even as they try to move on (houstonchronicle.com).

Commentary gets it. Texas Democrats met in El Paso, so it was appropriate to feature Beto. See the featured photo from this past Sunday’s Chron. Hopefully, we can move on and start featuring our nominee Cong. Colin Allred for U.S. Senator. It is 2024, after all.


It is getting old. Commentary is talking about the Astros losing. This time it was reliever Rafael Montero blowing his third save of the season last night. What a mess.

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