Cruel Joke

Yesterday, I was at my nephew’s. He had power and internet. About 1 pm, I received a text and email from CenterPoint letting me know that power was restored to my place. I came home about an hour later with no power. I asked a couple of my neighbors if they had received the CenterPoint texts and emails, and they said yes. What a cruel joke. CenterPoint later sent me a text and email saying they were assessing our situation for repairs. Another text and email late in the afternoon said they had crews close to my address working to restore power. As of this morning, I have no power.

On my Ring app, folks are going crazy on the power issue, gas lines, restaurant availability, and ice. I am sure it is having an emotional and mental impact on a lot of folks. I feel your pain.

I was able to find a couple of bags of ice yesterday. I have just about written off every item in my refrigerator.

A crew is scheduled to come over this afternoon to remove my carport debris.

I don’t have much else to say.


We won last night and that is the featured photo.

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