Project 2025

As of this morning, we are down to a little over 20,000 CenterPoint customers in the H-Town area without power. That is still 20,000 too many. I still feel for all of them. 

I said this yesterday:

The weather forecast for later this week and weekend calls for more rain. I don’t know about you, but if it is a hard rain, I feel that some of us will lose power thanks to CenterPoint’s fragile grid.

Sure enough, that is what happened. Thankfully, I wasn’t one who lost power – again.


See today’s featured photo from last night. They are not kidding. The Republican National Convention printed these up for folks in TV land to see.  Mass deportation. That is Project 2025 on full display on prime-time TV.


We have never seen an assassination attempt of a major political party candidate a couple of days before their national convention. In the same election, don’t be surprised to see a presidential candidate of the other major political party relinquish the top spot on the ballot. Commentary thinks the writing is on the wall. I am talking about President Joe Biden. See these tweets from the folks at CNN:

Nancy Pelosi privately told Biden that polls show he cannot win and will take down the House, sources say, but the president pushed back on her assessment.


Exclusive CNN reporting: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that the president could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House

If former President Barack Obama chimes in on the former Speaker Pelosi side, ballgame.

I know a ton about how to handle media interviews. I watched the two of President Biden in the past couple of weeks with the major TV networks. I cringed at how President Biden answered and stumbled through the questioning. While watching in real time I felt bad that he could not find the right words and facts when responding to a lot of the questions. He was missing easy opportunities to score points.

I had on MSNBC on the flat screen yesterday when it was announced President Biden had COVID. About a half hour later, they showed him on the airport tarmac, and he was slowly shuffling along. Sorry, folks, but I don’t want my president and Democratic Party’s nominee shuffling.

It is not going to get any better. It never does.

I get that First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, the president’s son, and key top White House and campaign aides want him to continue campaigning. However, since the debate, we have been on defense. We need to play offense, and we can’t do that with President Biden continuing to stumble and shuffle.

Stay tuned.


The Astros get back in action tomorrow night in Seattle.

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