
My power is out – again. That’s about a half dozen times over the past 90 days.

This is getting ridiculous. Commentary is talking about losing power after a hurricane or storm hits. CenterPoint is the least reliable H-Town company during times like these. We need to make an investment to strengthen the local grid. That should be our priority – period. No telling how much grub we are going to have to discard from our refrigerators because of these recurring incidents. Major storms are going to keep coming our way and we can’t just accept that a million plus CenterPoint customers will have to keep taking it on the chin and lose power. Make the investment, please. I will certainly pay my share.

If my Chron newspaper carrier can deliver today’s edition in the middle of a hurricane, see the featured photo, CenterPoint can certainly put its customers ahead of its profits, don’t you think.

I am letting the Chron hard copy dry out for now.


On the lighter side, Evan Mintz tweeted this yesterday:

Texas should allow liquor sales on Sundays if there’s a hurricane on Monday #txlege

I just stay prepared and always stock up.


On “What’s Your Point” yesterday, one of the panelists had an attitude that he was smarter than everyone else and that his take was the only one that mattered. I guess they are trying to expand their audience to folks who like panelists who think they are smarter than everyone else and that their takes are the only ones that matter. Oh, brother.

Again, border security was brought up as a topic with no mention of the billions of dollars in border security spent by Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and the GOP Texas Legislature.


We went 6-4 on the roadie and are still 2 games behind in the AL West. We have today off.

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