The Frauds

GOP AG Ken Paxton has a dismal record on uncovering voter fraud in Texas. The media knows this. Activists know this.  Election officials across Texas know this. The Democratic members of the Texas legislature know this.

This is the latest in the Chron from Paxton’s investigation in South Texas:

Members of the League of United Latin American Citizens on Monday slammed a series of voter fraud raids last week by the office of Attorney General Ken Paxton, saying they are part of an effort to intimidate Latino voters ahead of the 2024 election.

“LULAC will not stand idly by and allow our members to be targeted,” LULAC National President Roman Palomares said. “This is point-blank voter intimidation, and LULAC will fight for the right of every Latino to exercise their right to vote.“

Paxton announced the searches as part of a two-year investigation into allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting that date back to the 2022 elections and were referred to the local district attorney, who is a Republican. The targets included elderly volunteers, longtime Latino political operatives and a Democratic state House candidate, Cecilia Castellano. 

Paxton has not publicly discussed the specifics of the investigation, but according to a copy of an affidavit obtained by Hearst Newspapers, the searches involve an alleged mail ballot harvesting scheme in which someone filled out mail ballots without disclosing that they had assisted a voter and were paid by candidates for their work. 

Castellano and Lidia Martinez, an 87-year-old who has helped seniors and veterans register to vote for more than 30 years, said Monday that they had done nothing wrong. Latino civil rights activists and Democratic lawmakers have called for a federal investigation into the attorney general’s probe. The Justice Department has not commented publicly on the request.

Here is the entire read: LULAC accuses Ken Paxton of using election raids to intimidate voters (

Commentary knows a little about mail ballots. If something was amiss, why wasn’t it caught by the election officials who handle mail ballot applications and the actual mail ballots.

To date, the only fraud I see on this is the crooked AG. We all know he is a fraud.

Has Paxton ever investigated voter fraud involving GOP elected officials or campaigns in a GOP primary?

Stay tuned.


Speaking of frauds, see this from the Chron:

Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday announced that the state has removed over 1 million names from the Texas voter rolls, mainly people who moved out of state or died but including 6,500 who Abbott described as potential noncitizens. 

“Illegal voting in Texas will never be tolerated,” Abbott said in a statement. “We will continue to actively safeguard Texans’ sacred right to vote while also aggressively protecting our elections from illegal voting.”

Abbott added in a social media post that the removed names are being passed on to the attorney general’s office for possible criminal charges. 

The governor’s announcement came five years after a botched attempt in 2019 to purge up to 100,000 suspected noncitizen voters led to the resignation of a Texas Secretary of State and a settlement with voting rights organizations setting parameters for future cleanups.

Ashley Harris, attorney for the ACLU of Texas, said the group has unresolved questions about the accuracy of the state’s latest data because the organization has not been allowed to review it. 

Several local election officials in 2021 had warned that the state’s data continued to wrongly flag people who became citizens through naturalization. 

“Gov. Abbott’s recent announcement about voter registration list maintenance lacks context, and instead points to routine voter list maintenance that does not provide evidence of wrongdoing by any voter,” Harris said. “Any attempts to point to this data as evidence of criminal wrongdoing is part of a pattern of voter intimidation and suppression by the state of Texas and certain elected officials.”

Here is the entire read: As Abbott decries ‘noncitizen’ voters, ACLU questions his accuracy (

The sky is not falling. It is obvious what is happening here. Frauds like Abbott and Paxton know that for the past five weeks, Democrats across the country have become enthused. Abbott and Paxton are muddying the electoral waters in an effort to thwart voter turnout. They are going old school. It won’t work. If voters want to vote, they will vote.

The featured photo is a mail ballot envelope from a past election in Harris County.


Our lead in the AL West is down to 3 1/2 games as we lost another one run game last night.

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