
It is out there. It is with the Democrats. Commentary is talking about the enthusiasm factor. This one just feels a lot different.

Let me give you an example. This is from a speech given by Donald Trump last week in Michigan. He started to criticize the Vice President then it went all downhill:

She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?

I don’t even know how to explain this and neither can you.

And here is about the Vice President and her cooking skills:

But Harris might not just avoid taking a hit for being a foodie but also benefit from it.

For one thing, America is far more foodie than it has been in past elections. The Food Network is one of the most-watched cable channels, while videos of influencers demonstrating different recipes and cooking techniques dominate YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Celebrity chefs ranging from the workmanlike Bobby Flay to the hyperkinetic Guy Fieri are household names, while the V drama “The Bear” had viewers lusting for both the dishes and the chefs who make them.

Harris also comes by her love of food authentically, having learned to cook from her mother, Shyamala Gopalan. In a 2020 interview with Glamour, she recalled watching her do a week’s worth of meal prep on the weekend.

“As a child, I remember hearing the pots and smelling the food, and kind of like someone in a trance, I would walk into the kitchen to see all this incredible stuff happening,” she said. “My mother used to tell me, ‘Kamala, you clearly like to eat good food. You better learn how to cook.’”

As you can see in the videos of her cooking, she took that advice. Harris can crack an egg with one hand, uses the dull side of the knife to scrape food out of the bowl and makes cornbread the day before Thanksgiving so it has time to dry out before she uses it for stuffing. These are all tells of someone who knows what they are doing.

Here is the entire foodie read: Kamala Harris’ chef and foodie side could help her win over potential voters (msnbc.com).

This is so upbeat as is the Vice President’s campaign. They have skillfully taken the campaign to a joyful level and folks feel it. The Trump campaign is the same old tired thing. I am thinking America has finally had enough of him and his schtick.

The featured photo was from the rally in Pennsylvania yesterday. She looks so into it.

The Presidential Debate is one week from today.


We lost yesterday but still hold a six-game lead in the AL West. We have today off.

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