Register to Vote

Commentary always votes. Always. Plus, I have been living in the same place, like forever. Forever. I can’t imagine being informed that my voter registration was no longer valid. I don’t even remember when I first filled out my voter registration application. I guess the county must still have it on file. I guess. We…

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It is out there. It is with the Democrats. Commentary is talking about the enthusiasm factor. This one just feels a lot different. Let me give you an example. This is from a speech given by Donald Trump last week in Michigan. He started to criticize the Vice President then it went all downhill: She…

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“Hersh, if you can hear us, we love you, stay strong, survive.” These words are going to stay with Commentary for a long time. They were the closing words of Rachel Goldberg, as she and Jon Polin, parents of Hamas held hostage Hersh Goldberg Polin, stood at the podium at the Democratic National Convention and…

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