Texas ALCS

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is trying to normalize the acceptance of campaign dough from supporters of neo-Nazis.  Nope. That will never be normal.


The campaign contributions and expenditures reports were due on Tuesday and here is from the Chron:

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and former Metro chair Gilbert Garcia both made mistakes in the latest round of campaign finance filings. Jackson Lee took four donations that exceeded Houston’s donation limits, while Garcia made several clerical errors in filling out his disclosure forms.

Although both campaigns have vowed to examine their mistakes, there is a larger challenge highlighted in the latest filings. Neither candidate has anywhere close to the amount of funding that state Sen. John Whitmire, the mayoral front-runner, has on hand. 

As Election Day draws near, candidates are ramping up their ad and outreach spending. Whitmire has shelled out a hefty $5.8 million on his campaign this election cycle, according to his latest filing. His campaign reports having $6.9 million on hand for the remainder of the election cycle.

Garcia, who poured $3.4 million of his own money into the race, has spent over $2 million on his campaign and has $1.5 million remaining. Jackson Lee and attorney Lee Kaplan have spent more modestly – $900,000 and $1.2 million, respectively. Each has roughly $900,000 left.

Here is the entire Chron article: Jackson Lee, Garcia make errors in campaign filings for Houston mayor (houstonchronicle.com).

It is what it is.


Crybaby Dodger fans are now out of the playoffs after being swept by the D-Backs. They can now stew at home and cook up reasons to hate on the Astros.


The last three innings of the game against the Twins last night were certainly tense and stressful.  There was a huge sigh of relief when we got the final strikeout. I certainly didn’t want to play an ALDS Game 5 at The Yard on Friday.

If you stuck around to watch the clubhouse celebration on FS1 after the game, you got treated to multiple F-bombs from Justin Verlander. That was hilarious.

We are in the ALCS for the seventh consecutive year.  In the 1990s, The ATL went to the NLCS eight consecutive times, but in 1994, there were no playoffs because of the players strike.

Rangers fans were chanting “we want Houston” the other night. I guess they didn’t get the memo about fans that have chanted that phrase.

Create your hashtags for an all Texas ALCS.

#SuperSilverBootSeries #SilverSuperBootSeries. #SilverBootSuperSeries #LoneStarShowdown

It is certainly going to add another layer of drama for Astros and Rangers fans.

Texas baseball, baby!


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