Carport News

I am finally getting my carport replaced today after it went down a little over seven weeks ago. See the featured photo.


69 days until Election Day.


Donald Trump has certainly given the GOP a complete makeover. Commentary is talking about Trump wannabe POS office holders. Texas certainly has its share with Gov. Greg Abbott, crooked Ken Paxton, and Cancun Cruz leading the way.

This is the same POS GOP that is ok with filming political campaign ads at Arlington National Cemetery.


Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz will be interviewed by CNN tomorrow evening. The media will be ready to pounce on every answer the VP and Governor provide. I get that. Nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile, at the big debate earlier this summer, Trump lied about a kazillion times during the 90-minute debate, and there was a big yawn from the CNN moderators, one of them who will conduct the interview tomorrow. Different standards for sure.


Speaking of POS GOP elected officials from Texas, see this from CBS News:

The nation’s oldest Latino civil rights organization, LULAC, is one of several entities in Texas targeted in voter fraud raids led by state Attorney General Ken Paxton, CBS News has learned.

In a letter first obtained by CBS News, LULAC requested that the Justice Department investigate Paxton’s office for Voting Rights Act violations. The organization is accusing Paxton’s office of carrying out illegal searches premised on voter fraud. 

“These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape,” LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group’s national president, Roman Palomares, said in the letter.

The Justice Department confirmed receipt of the letter and declined to comment further. 

Last week, Paxton’s office announced in a press release that it was launching undercover operations and an investigation into reports alleging some organizations in Texas are unlawfully registering noncitizens to vote, in violation of state and federal law. 

LULAC officials told CBS News that some of the group’s Texas members were targeted and had their laptops and cell phones confiscated by Texas authorities executing search warrants. Some of the raids focused on Latino activists across the state. 

“Attorney General Paxton is using his position of authority to harass and intimidate Latino non-profit organizations like LULAC, Latino Leaders and LULAC members,” Juan Proaño, LULAC’s CEO told CBS News, calling the state AG’s effort “point-blank” voter intimidation. “It is evident through his pattern of lawsuits, raids, searches, and seizures that he is trying to keep Latinos from voting.”

Proaño said one of those targeted was Lidia Martinez, an 87-year-old who lives in San Antonio. Martinez has been a LULAC member for over 35 years and works to expand voter registration among seniors and veterans in South Texas.

She said that last Tuesday, there was a knock on her door in the morning, and she was greeted by nine officers in tactical gear and firearms who said they were executing a search warrant. Martinez was questioned for over three hours about her voter registration efforts in Texas. 

Here is the entire article: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton raids Latino Democrats’ homes, including those of LULAC members – CBS News.

I guess tactical gear is standard procedure when you are executing a search warrant on an 87-year-old woman. Pitiful.


This is a headline and sub-headline from the Chron:

About 50% of HISD voters say they’d oppose a tax increase for $4.4B school bond, union-led poll finds

The state’s largest school district has said its $4.4B bond will not raise taxes if it obtains voter approval in November.

Here is from the article:

Less than 40% of Houston voters say they’d support a property tax increase to fund the district’s $4.4 billion school bond package, according to a poll released Tuesday by Texas AFT, a statewide union for public school employees.

On behalf of the union, Z to A Research, a polling firm, surveyed 736 likely HISD voters online from Aug. 9 to 14 about if they would support increasing taxes to fund the district’s proposed bond package, the two separate ballot propositions, confidence in the state-appointed Superintendent Mike Miles and their views on the state takeover of the district. 

“The truth is, voters are deeply unsatisfied with Mike Miles’ management of HISD, they do not trust him to spend their tax dollars, and they do not trust him when he says this massive bond proposal is not a property tax increase,” said Nancy Zdunkewicz, the founder of Z to A Research.

HISD’s proposed school bond — which the district says would not increase the tax rate — outlines spending billions to rebuild and renovate schools with “poor facilities and learning conditions,” expand pre-K and career and technical education, and make safety, security and technology upgrades. It would be the largest school bond in Texas history if approved in November. 

The poll, which had a margin of error of about 3.6%, found that 49% of surveyed voters would oppose the $4.4 billion bond proposal if it would increase property taxes to repair HISD buildings and fund technology. According to the poll, 64% of Republicans, 53% of independents and 41% of Democrats said they opposed a tax increase to fund the bond.

Here is the entire read: HISD voters oppose tax increase for $4.4B school bond, new poll finds (

If the teachers union is paying for a poll on this, you can probably expect them to put some dough against the bond campaign.


Yankee superstar Aaron Judge already has 51 dingers this season. He has 308 career dingers and has never played in a World Series.

Dodger superstar Shohei Ohtani has 41 dingers and 40 stolen bases this season. The two-time MVP and Rookie of the Year Ohtani has never played in the MLB postseason.

We are 2-4 on the roadie with a 3 pm start today to wrap it up. 30 games remain on the regular season schedule, and we still hold a 3 ½ game lead in the AL West.

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