Mayor-Elect John Whitmire

Blowout. Landslide. Arsekicking. You name it. Nobody predicted a 58,000 vote margin of victory and 64% for State Sen. John Whitmire. May I say Mayor-Elect John Whitmire. The 64% is being called the best showing for an open H-Town mayoral race since Jim McConn’s 66% in 1977. Let me put it this way. It is…

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Vote Tomorrow

John Lennon was murdered 43 years ago today in New York City.  I always try to commemorate this day. He was 40. _____ Last night, State Sen. Carol Alvarado was at a Christmas party at the White House. She was talking with President Joe Biden, and she got him to talk to her mom Ida…

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Pearl Harbor Day

Today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I always acknowledge this day, “a date which will live in infamy.” Here is President Franklin Roosevelt’s address to Congress on December 8, 1941: “Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the…

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I just heard we lost a giant. Frumencio Reyes Jr. is no longer with us. A good friend and longtime political activist and leader in our community. I will have more later. _____ The Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) put out this statement yesterday. Where are the Latinos? Prove me wrong. Maybe some of these folks…

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Carol Files

State Senator Carol Alvarado filed for reelection yesterday and here is her statement: Today I filed for reelection for State Senator, District 6. I look forward to campaigning on my record of service to the voters. This session, I achieved a personal record-breaking 38 bill passages, including the nation’s strongest catalytic converter law and crucial…

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Punk Speaker

Former Cong. Liz Cheney was on Today this morning promoting her book. She said a vote for Donald Trump next year is a vote against the Constitution. Savannah asked her if she would vote for President Joe Biden and Cheney avoided answering. Sorry, you have to say you are voting for Biden. Voting a third…

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Hate Strategy

Let me apologize for having domain server issues since yesterday afternoon. I think it is now fixed. I could not access my email or website. Now I can. I think. _____ From the shameful campaign department. City Council District H candidate Cynthia Reyes-Revilla trailed her opponent Mario Castillo 46.4% to 24.7% after the vote in…

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Dumb Idea

Happy Birthday today to the Honorable Beth Arnold. I have known Beth for 30 years. She is one of my favorite people on this planet. Beth serves as an Associate Judge for the 247th State District Court.  Happy Birthday, Beth! _____ H-Town’s East End leadership was blindsided yesterday. See this social media post by State…

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Chron E-Board and the Latino Vote

The Chron E-Board today did a lengthy take on the Latino vote. See the featured photo. The E-Board interviewed GOP Latino members of Congress who were in H-Town. I am putting the take all out there for folks to read in case you don’t subscribe to the Chron like I do. I hope the folks…

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Mayoral Debate

Commentary attended the Fox 26 mayoral debate last night that was held at the Raindrop Turkish House in Southwest Houston.  This is also an early voting location.  Folks were wearing campaign gear within the electioneering distance marker. Oh, well. Here is from the Chron on the debate: U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and state Sen. John Whitmire sparred over…

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