Luv Ya Blue, Too

Commentary wasn’t for the HISD takeover. I wasn’t surprised it happened though.  I also wasn’t going to moan and groan. I want our HISD back in our hands.  Hopefully, the new superintendent and Board of Managers make moves to get HISD back on track and it was off track. Don’t kid yourself or me.

See this from the Chron:

Houston ISD Superintendent Mike Miles has appointed a new principal at Yates High School to replace former principal Tiffany Guillory, who was removed earlier this month along with the principals at Worthing and Sharpstown high schools.

Stephanie Square, a Yates alumna and former Yates teacher, will take the helm at the historic Third Ward school ahead of the upcoming school year, a spokesman for Miles confirmed Tuesday.

And this:

Guillory’s removal was decried by Yates parents and alumni under both House’s and Miles’ administrations, but Square’s appointment appears to have eased many of those misgivings.

“It’s the best news I’ve had about Yates in years,” said Aaron Henry, a board member of the Jack Yates National Alumni Association. “We have somebody who is not only a part of the community but is highly qualified, and I’m excited to see the work she’s going to do at Yates.”

Henry said that he was impressed by Miles’ commitment to the Third Ward school, saying that the superintendent traveled to Yates on Friday to meet with a group of about 60 alumni and discuss the principal search. 

Here is the entire Chron read: HISD’s Mike Miles appoints new Yates High School principal (

Notice how “a board member of the Jack Yates National Alumni Association” has embraced the move at the top of the Yates High School leadership.  Maybe this is a good move that will work.

Meanwhile, see this tweet from the H-Town Mayor that was tweeted yesterday:

Now the HISD Superintendent and Bd/Managers are eliminating libraries. Rather than educating students they are dismantling the largest public school district one step at a time. st

The Mayor is not close to embracing, that’s for sure.


The featured photo is drinkware that I still have from the Luv Ya Blue days in H-Town and not Nashville. The Oilers last played as the Oilers in H-Town 27 years ago.


A couple of days ago, the Astros emailed me my 2024 invoice for season tickets. There was a price reduction, and this was included in the email:

Your savings over the single game ticket price of your section is 32%.

I called my Astros account executive to make sure they weren’t tricking me into some deal.  She sounded like she didn’t know about my ticket price reduction and said she would call me back.

I went online to check my account yesterday morning and saw a new invoice. This time there was no price reduction. Instead, there was a price increase of around 10%. I called my account executive and when she called me back, she could not explain the invoice discrepancy.  She said she would have someone call me who could explain.

Some fella called me later and said that about 20 or so account holders were sent erroneous invoices. He could not explain how it happened.  I let him know that I would have appreciated if they had been more proactive with me when they noticed their screw-up instead just switching the invoice without calling me.  I told him I expected better.

Oh, well.


Pitcher Ryne Stanek is 32 today. Happy Birthday, Ryne!

My Best Friend and I went to the game last night against the Rangers. We had a great time. A couple of Saint Arnolds, a couple of Dollar Dogs, and peanuts. We talked sports, politics, friends, family, movies, and Astros baseball.  It was a great game with a great catch by King Tuck to end the game.

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