No No-No

Most folks with brains know that the GOP has lost its way.  The GOP U.S. House members are looking at impeaching President Joe Biden if they can find something to impeach him on.  The GOP is solidly behind a four-time indicted Donald Trump.  The crooked arsehole Texas GOP AG is currently being tried in the Court of Impeachment at our state capitol.

Harris County has its share of wayward GOPers. See this from a Chron op-ed by Alexandra del Moral Mealer, who was the GOP candidate for Harris County Judge in 2022:

We are less than a week away from a pivotal Sept. 19 vote to raise taxes on Harris County residents, yet County Judge Lina Hidalgo has yet to resume the duties of her office. We all applaud her personal decision to receive treatment for depression and are sympathetic to everyone struggling with mental health issues, but we must also be equally sympathetic with the residents of Harris County who are suffering from brutal inflation, unacceptable crime rates and crumbling infrastructure.

And this:

Hidalgo must return or should resign.

The op-ed is straight from the dumbsh_t idea box. Alex Mealer is a smack dab election denier. She is a sore loser.  She is way out of line attacking Judge Hidalgo on her mental health issues. This is your 2023 GOP.  This is pitiful, sad, and pathetic. Who in their right mind attacks a person’s mental health?


Commentary was waiting for this. See from today’s Daily Beast:

Donald Trump labelled the current impeachment trial of Ken Paxton as “shameless” in a Truth Social rant that failed to address any of the charges against the Texas attorney general that include bribery and misuse of office. Facing 16 articles of impeachment, Paxton has pleaded not guilty and denied the concerning allegations against him, notably that he used his influence and position in an attempt to thwart a federal fraud probe into his friend and donor, Nate Paul. And as the trial continued, Trump early on Thursday morning had his say. “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was easily re-elected last November, but now establishment RINOS are trying to undo that Election with a shameful impeachment of him,” he wrote. Referencing the dozens of members of Paxton’s own party who voted to impeach him in May, Trump wrote: “Who would replace Paxton, one of the TOUGHEST & BEST Attorney Generals in the Country? Could it be a Democrat, or even worse, a RINO? The voters have decided who they want! Democrats are feeling very good right now as they watch, as usual, the Republicans fight & eat away at each other. It’s a SAD day in the Great State of Texas!”

I was hoping to hear from Laura Olson yesterday. The Chron calls her “the alleged paramour of Ken Paxton.” She ended up not testifying.


The Chron E-Board today endorsed state constitutional amendments Proposition 2 dealing with property tax exemptions for childcare facilities and Proposition 5 which creates the Texas University Fund.


Toward the end of last season, I put out my Dusty Baker bobblehead because it is cool looking.  Yesterday, I put out my Orbit bobblehead because it too is cool looking. They are now side-by-side in the featured photo and on my desk as we head into our final 15 games of the season.

Last night, the pitching staff took a no-no into the ninth inning. We lost the no-no but still won the game.  We have a one game lead in the AL West. 15 games remain to be played. 9 roadies and 6 at The Yard.

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