Punk Speaker

Former Cong. Liz Cheney was on Today this morning promoting her book. She said a vote for Donald Trump next year is a vote against the Constitution. Savannah asked her if she would vote for President Joe Biden and Cheney avoided answering. Sorry, you have to say you are voting for Biden. Voting a third party or a write-in is still dangerous.


The Texas GOP House Speaker acted like a punkarse coward this past weekend. The Texas GOP refused to call out neo-Nazis and the Speaker tweeted this:

Despicable. @TexasGOP/SREC can’t even bring themselves to denounce neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers or cut ties with their top donor who brought them to the dance. There is a moral, anti-Semitic rot festering within the fringes of BOTH parties that must be stopped.

What a punkarse. BOTH parties? Nope. Democrats have nothing to do with Neo-Nazis. We don’t meet with them. We don’t take their political dough. Nada. The GOP House Speaker is too cowardly to take on the Texas GOP head on and so he throws Dems into his cowardly tweet. What a punkarse. No wonder Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick likes to own his cowardly punkarse. Chicken sh_t MFer in my book.


Folks know Commentary doesn’t say much about college sports. I will say that this year there are 43 bowl games including the three playoff games.


My Beatles wall calendar for December has a 1962 color picture of the four sitting on a staircase.


Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign rolled out a new TV ad Saturday morning. The ad says to go vote by December 7. Election Day is December 9.

The featured photo is State Sen. John Whitmire and his family going to vote early yesterday at the bingo hall in the Heights.  Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote early. Go vote, please.

This is now the final week of the City of H-Town campaign season.

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