Daily Commentary by Marc Campos

Flag Day

Alito Flag Day

Election Day is tomorrow. Go vote in the Harris Central Appraisal District (HCAD) Board of...
Astros Lid


Whew! The good guys just got a win today at SCOTUS on reproductive rights. Mifepristone...
Neighbor Roof


Commentary is pretty good on knowing our American history. I always did well on American...
Beto Chron

On 2024

Today is my sister Sylvia Lafuente's BD. Happy Birthday, Sylvia! _____ One of the most...
Becky Cuellar

Closed Primaries

Here is from the Trib: At its biennial convention last month, the Texas GOP tried...


This is from ABC News today: President Joe Biden said he would not pardon his...
Dad Discharge


D-Day was 80 years ago today. There are around 200 American D-Day vets still around...
Astros pitching

Pitching Injuries

In case folks forgot, the City of H-Town has the strongest mayor form of government...


The featured photo is Dr. Anthony Fauci at a U.S. House committee hearing yesterday. On...

H-Town Drained

Early voting in person for the Harris Central Appraisal District (HCAD) Board of Directors runoff...