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Congratulations to my good friend and client State Rep. Christina Morales for being elected Vice-Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus. Rep. Morales is also my State Rep.


CNN contributor Bakari Sellers tweeted this last night about the Brittney Griner swap:

Y’all mad Biden went and got an American? Really? Our President went and got one of us. Are you mad because of her hair? Because of who she loves? Because of her skin color? How do y’all pick and choose which Americans matter?

Here is Commentary’s take. A two-time Olympic Gold Medal winner, NCAA champion, All American, Number 1 WNBA draft pick, WNBA Champion, Texas High School State Champion, and role model is back on American soil. She is also from H-Town. Russia now has a POS back on their soil. The deal works for me.

Welcome home, Brittney!


Commentary certainly does not know City of Austin politics. I do know a bit about former State Sen. Kirk Watson. He is a good Democrat. He sent me this yesterday:

I’ve got some surprising news to share with you.

While I was sleeping last night, it appears I somehow transformed from a lifelong Democrat into a “Trump Republican.”  I know it’s true because I saw it in an ad this morning from my opponent in the mayor’s race.  Helpfully, there’s even a picture of my metamorphosis, which seems to have involved having my eyes melted and my (remaining) hair set on fire by a demon.

I wish I could say I was surprised that Representative (Celia) Israel’s PAC went here.  But I’m not, at all. The fact is, my opponent’s campaign started with a divisive mischaracterization of my housing plan, and now it’s ending with this divisive, just plain silly ad. 

I’ll say it again – if you know me, you know how ridiculous Representative Israel’s ad is.  I’m proud of my party, and I’ll happily put my Democratic credentials up against my opponent’s. I’ve chaired the Travis County Democratic Party, been Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, and raised and given a substantial amount of money to help elect Democrats in Travis County. 

But a big difference between us appears to be that I welcome support in this runoff from all Austinites – Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and anyone who believes that our next mayor should have a proven record of getting things done.

Huh? He also ran for Texas AG as a Democrat 20 years ago. His Democratic Party cred is outstanding in Commentary’s book.

We will see if this line of attack works.


If you like Christmas tunes and have the SiriusXM app, you can listen to Billboard’s Top 112 Christmas tunes. You will likely disagree with the rankings. They have Andy Williams’s “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” at number 7. Ok.


Nothing to report from The Yard this morning.

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