The West is Won

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo returns to work this morning. Hope you are doing well, Judge! We missed you. _____ See this from Politico today: California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works…

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Breaking news. California U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein left us. I heard the news this morning on Today. She was 90.  She represented California well. Now is not the time to carp about her service the last couple of years.  She has been in the national spotlight for nearly 45 years after San Francisco Mayor George…

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His Best

H-Town Mayor Sylvester Turner gave his final State of the City speech yesterday and here is part of what he said from the Chron: “Let me just be clear: I am not anxious to leave. And if I could run again, I would. But a word of advice for those who seek to follow me:…

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Local Democrats

Commentary has said it before. Democrats finally take control of the Harris County Courthouse, and we can’t get our sh_t together. The Chron recently had a story about Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg and her investigation of so-called enemies. Now they have a timeline of events at the county. See below. JANUARY 2017 Ogg…

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Local Fox 26 had an hour-long mayoral forum on live TV last night. State Sen. John Whitmire is taking more incoming from his opponents. That is all I have to say. _____ January 6 Committee star witness Cassidy Hutchinson has a book coming out today titled Enough. She was interviewed by Rachel Maddow last night. …

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No Gear

Emily Foxhall from the Trib tweeted this from TribFest on Friday: (Evan) Smith tries to get (Mayor Sylvester) Turner to say who he supports next for mayor. Turner says only that he’ll share his view on it at some point. Turner says he won’t run for office in 2024. “Are you done forever or just…

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From the Chron today: Alexandra del Moral Mealer, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s former Republican opponent, dropped her lawsuit challenging the results of the election she lost last November by over 18,000 votes, according to court documents filed Thursday. Mealer filed an election contest lawsuit on Jan. 6, one of 22 similar cases brought by GOP candidates in Harris…

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Plastics, Please

This is so headed in the wrong direction. Aren’t we supposed to be moving away from plastics? See the featured photo and see this from the Chron: Exxon said it completed a $2 billion expansion of its sprawling chemicals complex along the Houston Ship Channel and has begun operations at the new production units.  The…

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The featured photo was from an event last night in Idylwood.  That’s the neighborhood where State Sen. Carol Alvarado lives.  It is in H-Town’s East End.  A lot of her neighbors showed up. _____ Arsehole Gov. Greg Abbott will go down as one of the worst governors in Texas history. You know that. He is…

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Attacks Ads

Iran freed five Americans yesterday. The names of three were publicized. The other two asked for their identities not to be made public. Huh? _____ This just came out from the Chron: Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has launched criminal investigations against county officials she was publicly feuding with at least four times since she…

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