
Harris Voted

Just Harrisvotes

Since I am still isolated and can’t go to the store, I ordered three items...

Scoreboard Watching

Outrageous breaking news from the Trib: Four members of the unit working on Gov. Greg...


Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis sent this tweet out this morning: My heart is with...

RNC 2028

It is hot out there.  I am reminded by these lyrics by Paul Simon from...
Carol Endorses

Latinos Who Vote

The Chron has a lengthy piece on the Latino vote and the upcoming City of...

Maven Coffee

Central Houston sponsored a mayoral forum yesterday in the late afternoon.  Lisa Gray of the...
Campos Family

20 Candidates

From the Chron: More than seven dozen people signed up to run in November's City Hall elections,...
Dad Vote

Dad 100

My Dad would have been 100 years old today. At his 99th birthday celebration in...


Commentary is certainly not an expert on the criminal justice system. I do have some...

Up Home

On the HISD takeover, Commentary is not going to get all worked up about it....