AL West, Again

Sorry for being tardy. I just wrapped up helping coordinate an ad shoot. Nope. Can’t tell you for who.  The goal is to get it out next week. We shot outdoors until noon today and it was a bit steamy.  This afternoon we were indoors. It is official. The Astros are AL West Champions. I…

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Quality Starts

The national TV networks will pack up their gear and return to the USA this evening and tomorrow after 11 days of non-stop coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s mourning and funeral.  No more dumb stories on where and what Prince Harry and Meghan stand, sit and wear and what receptions they attend. Commentary is not one…

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We’re Numero Uno

As we celebrate Diez y Seis today it is fitting that this is in the September 16 front page of the Chron: The Latino population in Texas may have surpassed the white, non-Latino population, according to new U.S. Census estimates. The American Communities Survey, which is conducted every year, showed the Latino population has reached 11.9 million…

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Mealer Trump

GOP Harris County Judge candidate Alexandra del Moral Mealer is a Trumper.  See the featured photo. You can’t have it both ways. During the pandemic when folks were using Zoom to communicate with the outside world, folks would sometimes put an image right next to themselves to promote something. Some TV reporters might put their…

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False Alarm

Heights High School is four blocks from my place.  It hit home so to speak when I learned yesterday that the high school was threatened by a possible active shooter.  At the time, I had a technician here working on internet issues. I wasn’t going to do something dumb like run over there and check…

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El Voto

Commentary has said the following before. I think. Harris County’s Latino population is one of the least told stories in America. When people talk about Latinos in Texas, Harris County Latinos have often been overlooked. Of the 11 million plus Texas Latinos, nearly I out of every 5 reside here in Harris County. Harris County…

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Fire This Guy

From the shut-up department. I have seen where some think it would be a good gesture for President Joe Biden to invite Donald Trump to be part of the official U.S. delegation to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. Shut up! Let’s see. A couple of weeks ago or so President Biden said Trump and his MAGA followers…

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The Queen

I was walking past the flat screen yesterday when breaking news came on that Queen Elizabeth II was no longer with us. We were prepared earlier in the morning when it was announced that her medical condition was being closely supervised. She became Queen just about 10 months before I came on the scene.  I…

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Hobby Poll

A couple of months ago, local GOPers were high fiving when they learned that the Hobby School of Public Affairs poll had GOP candidate for Harris County Judge Alexandra del Moral Mealer one point behind Judge Lina Hidalgo. The Hobby School released their latest poll yesterday and it shows Judge Hidalgo with a 10-point lead. …

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Chickensh_t Chron

Commentary supports local journalism. I have let folks know I subscribe to the Chron hard copy. They take $77 from my bank account every four weeks. I am entitled to let them know they are chickensh-t at times. Like today. Two weeks ago today, their lead front page headline blasted this: Comptroller threatens county budget…

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