Cracker Jill

A Texas poll came out a day or so ago and 40% of GOP voters said they would never vote for a Bush. The poll also said that the arsehole GOP AG Ken Paxton was fixing to kick Land Commissioner George P. Bush’s arse in the GOP runoff for AG next month. Commentary is not…

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Get Well

My buddy for many years, former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte, was struck by a vehicle yesterday while in Florida. She was attempting to cross a street. She is pretty dinged up and her husband Pete said she faces a very long recovery. Get well, old friend. This is what I call overplaying your hand.…

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Calamity Day

Good thing Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo has good lawyers. On this contract mess, her lawyers reached out to the media to explain Judge Hidalgo’s side. The result is a front-page story in today’s hard copy of the Chron and an editorial in yesterday’s Chron. Go check them out. Yesterday was the 100th birthday of…

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April’s Fool

Commentary is having a difficult time settling on the 2022 April Fool.  Maybe the arsehole GOP Governor of Florida? How about the celebrated GOP Congressman Madison Cawthorn who has the goods on his GOP coked-up and orgy-ridden colleagues. Gov. Grep Abbott is certainly not fooling anyone with his fake deployment of the national guard. GOP…

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Retired General

The General is retiring. Commentary is talking about longtime Oilers and Texans beat writer for the Chron, John McClain.  He has an article in today’s Chron saying he is retiring from the Chron effective today. Wow! We will miss him for sure. In his final article he gives thanks to all the folks who helped…

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CBS Dumb

Count Commentary as one who will be dropping CBS News watching. It is not much, but it does include Jane Pauley on “Sunday Morning,” sometimes “Face the Nation’” and “60 Minutes.”  CBS lost credibility when they announced yesterday that they hired Donald Trump’s former Interim Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney.  The fella is a first-rate…

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Denny McLain

Will Smith issued an apology to Chris Rock yesterday.  Smith’s standing, reputation and credibility took a major hit. This will now be part of his legacy. Oh, well. Commentary stopped watching CNN on a regular basis about four and a half months ago.  Back in mid-November I started watching the Christmas flicks on Hallmark and…

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Oscar Night

On “Today” this morning, anchor Craig Melvin’s body language and one word – “sad,” pretty much described his reaction to Will Smith’s behavior last night.  Craig was clearly disappointed, you know, black man, black on black violence thing.  On one of the biggest nights of Smith’s career and he clearly blew it. I can’t even…

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I’m Back

Wow. I have been off Daily Commentary for over a month now. Here is what happened, I had to switch servers, deal with issues related to moving and securing my domain, and a redo of my website. It took longer than expected. A lot longer. Thanks to all the folks who reached out to me…

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Hoochie Coochie

We’re big fans of transparency, but one Republican candidate for Railroad Commission took that virtue to a whole new level. Oil and gas attorney Sarah Stogner, 37, decided her race against incumbent Wayne Christian wasn’t getting enough coverage, so she drummed up her own — minus the coverage part. For a short TikTok video, Stogner…

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