El Chivo (Dinner)

At my Dad’s 99th birthday celebration, there were a lot of family members in attendance. My Dad also got a number of gifts. One gift was a couple of photos. One photo is of my Dad when he was a child with his family. I had never seen that photo before. The other photo he…

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Celebrated 99

My Dad will be celebrating his first triple digit birthday in 364 days. We are already having planning discussions for his huge birthday celebration. Over 80 of his friends and family showed up yesterday in Baytown. We had a mariachi band and my Dad sang along to most of the tunes.  Good food and a…

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Victoria’s Secret

My Dad will be celebrating his final double-digit birthday in a couple of days in Baytown. _____ It looks like Beto will be up in a few media markets next week with Spanish language ads. He will also be doing Spanish language digital ads. Good. _____ Remember when a lot of folks were making fun…

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Tweet Worked

Yesterday, at a Harris County press conference, County Judge Lina Hidalgo let loose so to speak and had some choice words for The Dean, her GOP opponent, and others. Some news outlets put it out as quick as they could. I first saw it when Channel 13 news tweeted this: ABC13Houston ‘IT IS A LIE!’…

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As expected, Cong. Liz Cheney was defeated last night.  She doesn’t have a future with the current GOP. Gov. Greg Abbott rolled out his first ad a couple of days ago. It is like they are introducing a new fella to folks. He is not recognizable. Won’t work. _____ Back in 2020, in the early…

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More on Playoffs

We lost a great one on Sunday. Paul Burka was one of the best to cover Texas politics and the Texas Legislature over the last 50 years. Paul brought us the Texas Monthly Ten Best and Worst Legislators.  A state senator or state representative had to earn it to get named to either.  Being named…

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Sick and Sad GOP

In six days, my Dad will celebrate his final double-digit birthday.  _____ The editorial cartoon that is featured on this post was in yesterday’s Chron. It pretty much sums up the GOP’s response to Donald Trump’s denials and admissions of the past week. It is indeed a sad, sick, and pitiful sight. The MAGA infested…

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Field of Dreams

MAGA world doesn’t care if Donald Trump took classified documents on nuclear weapons. They don’t believe in the rule of law.  Some GOP members of Congress who are not card carrying MAGA world nuts but still blindly follow Trump are nervous right now. They should be. Aaron Parnas, an attorney and Democratic strategist from Florida…

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Filibuster Anniversary

A year ago today, State Sen. Carol Alvarado started her 15-hour filibuster. It was a cool, emotional, and exhilarating watch.  My landline is her campaign phone number and I remember getting calls throughout the night from folks across the country telling me to thank the Senator for her efforts. You try standing on your feet…

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Follow the law vs Follow Trump

Trying to overturn a legal election. Violently attacking the U.S. Capitol. Taking official documents from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. These are what you call federal crimes. The MAGA lawless world is bent out of shape because the proper federal authorities are acting, executing search warrants, and seizing cell phones. It hurts, but that is how these…

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