Taco News

I guess this is newsworthy. The dumb taco remarks by First Lady Jill Biden yesterday in San Antonio. Here is from Yahoo News: A Hispanic journalists’ group slammed the first lady, Jill Biden, for a Monday speech in which she compared diversity among Latinos to the uniqueness of breakfast tacos. Biden was addressing the progressive…

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All Starry

Amanda Carpenter is a conservative who worked on Sen. Cancun Cruz’s campaign for president before Cruz became Cancun.  Ms. Carpenter has stayed true to her conservatism and has not gone Trumper. Here is what she penned in the Bulwark a day or so ago: Herschel Walker is, by any measure, a flawed candidate. It’s a…

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I just learned yesterday that former Texas Democratic Party Chair Bob Slagle died a few weeks ago.  I found out when I was reading over the list of speakers at next week’s Texas Democratic Party State Convention, and he was referred to as “the late” and his widow was going to speak.  Wow! I met…

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The UK will have a new prime minister. UK prime ministers are usually forced out.  What happens to them when they leave office? Every now and then we see former PM Tony Blair pop up on the news.  Anybody seen Theresa May lately? How about David Cameron? I am betting we will hear a lot…

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Worth It

Folks are saying that the President Joe Biden administration and Democrats got caught flatfooted when Roe was overturned. The Supreme Court memo on Roe was leaked earlier in the year and we didn’t have a Plan B in place. We are watching the January 6 Committee hearings. The committee is putting out the evidence that…

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Salsa Night

Donald Trump is thinking about announcing that he will run again. He wants to stomp out any talk of opposition in the 2024 GOP presidential primary. No Nikki Haley. No Ron DeSantis. No Mike Pompeo. No Mike Pence. Nobody. Commentary is all in on that.  Announce right now. Alex Holder is the British filmmaker who…

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Fourth of July

Here you go on our 246th birthday: When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God…

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Hello, July!

Hello, July! We are heading into the Fourth of July weekend. Commentary’s favorite character role named July is July Johnson from the “Lonesome Dove” TV mini-series. July was played by Chris Cooper. My favorite song line with July is from “April Come She Will” by Simon and Garfunkel from “The Graduate” movie soundtrack. Here it…

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Jenna and W

Commentary starts off the early morning watching the Channel 2 news with Owen Conflenti, Lisa Hernandez and the rest of the crew which includes weather, investigative and traffic reports. Overnight shootings usually get the most coverage, but they cover informative stories from local government. The investigative stories are interesting and useful. Then it is the…

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Go Cass

That was certainly the most compelling, riveting, and explosive two hours of TV I have seen in a while. Cassidy Hutchinson is one courageous American. She can’t be discredited. She interned for GOP Whip Steve Scalise and Sen. Cancun Cruz, err, before he went to Cancun. She was on the phone with Minority Leader Kevin…

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