

The GOP Harris County Commissioners continue to stay away from Commissioners Court meetings. Off the...

Postseason 2022

President George W. Bush leading us into a war with Iraq was pretty much a...

Division Series

There was a gathering yesterday of young conservatives that was organized by Cong. Dan Crenshaw....
Dave Ward

Dapper Dave

I guess some folks think highly of former KTRK-TV anchor Dave Ward. I guess.  As...
Chron Sports

Playoff Bound

This is from the lead front page story of today’s Chron: Mayor Sylvester Turner said...
Dusty Baker Bobble

Sign Dusty

Just MLB today.  Congrats to Aaron Judge for number 62.  Four MLB teams have now...
Signs in My Yard


As of this morning, there will be four or five or more Democrats running for...

Happy Birthday, Dave!

If anyone in Texas was still undecided on who to vote for governor and if...

Debate Night

Harrisvotes.com reads Commentary. They finally posted the sample ballot for Harris Couty. Toward the end...
Mail Ballots

Where is My Mail Ballot?

It is 41 days before Election Day and Commentary has not received my bail ballot....